Mission Statement

At St Mary Magdalene & St Stephen's CE Primary School, through Christian values, we aim to offer an outstanding education to all pupils regardless of their ethnic background, gender or religion.

We draw upon the richness of our different cultures, talents, passions and personalities.

We want our pupils to achieve and reach their full potential and capabilities, so that they can live fulfilled lives now and in the future.

Through our new Home/School Charter and our Rights Respecting Schools agenda, we work to bring about a feeling of trust between home and school, whereby the rights of everybody in our school community are respected (articles 3, 18, 28, 42).

We wish to develop a sense of personal integrity, responsibility, mutual respect, self-discipline and non-violence by providing a safe and structured environment within a caring community.


IMG 0813

Find Us

Tel: 0207 504 0555
Fax: 0207 3451 855
Email: office@st-mm.co.uk

Contact Form
St Mary Magdalene
and St Stephen’s CE
Primary School

Tel: 0207 504 0555
Fax: 0207 3451 855
Email: office@st-mm.co.uk

Cookie Policy

Bus: 18; 36; 6; 187; 414; 46
Train: Paddington (15 minutes walk/change to Royal Oak); Marylebone
(change to Warwick Avenue)
Tube: Royal Oak (8 minutes walk) | Warwick Avenue (6 minutes walk)

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