Remote Learning

In the event of long term closure, staff at St Mary Magdalene CE Primary School will continue to provide education and support to our pupils using educational packs of physical resources as well digital learning platforms (such as Oak Academy, White Rose Maths, Spelling Frame, TT Rockstars, Phonics Play, Prodigy and Read Theory) that the children are already familiar with. This will ensure that the needs of all pupils are catered for.

Staff will keep in daily contact via Google Classroom and ClassDojo to provide a two-way platform for learning and teaching, in a professional and confidential manner with each pupil in their class. Teaching and learning will be tailored, changed and updated as time progresses to reflect the developing needs of the children - including those with identified SEND.

Remote Learning Timetable

The Leadership and Management team of the school have agreed the following Remote Learning Timetable:

STMM RemoteLearning 2021

Foundation Subjects include the study of Science, Computing, Design and Technology, Art and Design, PSHE, PE, Geography and History.

Work will be submitted in the relevant area on Google Classroom or can be photographed and uploaded as a Google Document.

We realise that the circumstances in which a switch to remote learning occurs will affect families in a number of ways. In this policy we are aware of the need for flexibility from all sides:

i) Parents may be trying to work from home and so access to technology as a family may be limited;
ii) Teachers may be trying to manage their home situation and the learning of their own children, or the effective planning for both in-school and remote learning opportunities;
iii) Systems may not always function as they should.

An understanding of, and willingness to adapt to, these difficulties on all sides is essential for success.

Remote Learning will not reflect exactly what a school day looks like and will take place in three possible scenarios:

i) An individual student is self-isolating or in quarantine
ii) A ‘Bubble’ group is self-isolating
iii) The whole school is working remotely

In any or all of these scenarios, we will provide learning opportunities for all of our children to ensure that they can practise basic skills within Phonics, Reading, Writing and Maths.

If any of our families are in need of technology support to access learning (e.g., lack of access to devices or stable internet access) we will initially provide physical resources whilst we seek to find a solution to their technological needs.

Click the file below to download and view our school's remote staffing and learning policy.

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Tel: 0207 504 0555
Fax: 0207 3451 855

Contact Form
St Mary Magdalene
and St Stephen’s CE
Primary School

Tel: 0207 504 0555
Fax: 0207 3451 855

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