Virtual Office

A very warm welcome to the school office. We aim to provide you with as much helpful information as possible. You should find most of what you need in one of the menus on the left-hand side of this page.

If you cannot locate what you are looking for, please contact the School Office on 0207 504 0555 or email and we will endeavour to address your enquiry satisfactorily.

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Tel: 0207 504 0555
Fax: 0207 3451 855

Contact Form
St Mary Magdalene
and St Stephen’s CE
Primary School

Tel: 0207 504 0555
Fax: 0207 3451 855

Cookie Policy

Bus: 18; 36; 6; 187; 414; 46
Train: Paddington (15 minutes walk/change to Royal Oak); Marylebone
(change to Warwick Avenue)
Tube: Royal Oak (8 minutes walk) | Warwick Avenue (6 minutes walk)

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