Friends of Mary Mags & St Stephen's (PTA)

Parents, Carers, Relatives, Staff and Teachers of our children make the adult community of Mary Mags & St Stephen's. We might not all know each other but at heart we all share the same interests for our kids; we want them to feel happy and comfortable to go to school every day, so that they may learn, improve and achieve academic success.

Events throughout the year are wonderful occasions for children to celebrate their belonging to the school and have fun with their friends. In order to create such moments, our adult community needs to come together to make things happen. Some parents are organisers by nature or profession, some can give a bit of their time to volunteer at events, others can simply chip-in with materials or a monetary donation. Our aim is to put all these forms of help together in our Mary Mags & St Stephen's PTA.

Traditionally, our main events have included school discos, the Christmas Fete and the Summer Garden Party. We look forward to new ideas and more hands to create other opportunities to get together. We welcome new members to the organisational core and the volunteers pool; whether this is for a specific event or long-term.

The Mary Mags & St Stephen's PTA will meet twice per term, with meetings announced on the Noticeboard, the school’s Web Calendar and through ClassDojo. If you are unable to attend a meeting, but wish to offer a suggestion, we strongly encourage you to send a message through ClassDojo, as every contribution makes a difference! After every meeting all that was discussed will be published on the Noticeboard and sent electronically via ClassDojo, so you will all be in the loop of what is going on and can consider if you can help out.


Supporting Our School through Easyfundraising

In order to support our events and help the school with their extra expenses for materials, equipment and field trips, from today you can help our school for free by simply shopping online at your usual stores through our Easyfundraising school page:

Supported stores include: Georges at Asda, Clarks, Ebay, M&S, Decathlon, H&M, Argos, Gap,, and over 3000 other stores and outlets.

If you download the Easyfundraising app on your phone or the Easyfundraising toolbar for your PC, you can select our school as your cause and then navigate from Easyfundraising to your usual online stores. While prices will be identical for you, a percentage of any purchases you make made will be donated to our school! Consider referring other parents and friends, as this generates another donation at no cost for you or your friends and family.

Just be careful to choose “St Mary Magdalene CE Primary School, Westminster” as your cause when you sign up, as there are many St Mary Magdalene schools listed. If you need any help regarding Easyfundraising, please contact the PTA, or watch the following short here.

Thank you for participating in Easyfundraising!

Find Us

Tel: 0207 504 0555
Fax: 0207 3451 855

Contact Form
St Mary Magdalene
and St Stephen’s CE
Primary School

Tel: 0207 504 0555
Fax: 0207 3451 855

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