
Children must wear school uniform each day. A school uniform teaches students to dress smartly and take pride in their appearance. Uniforms help students to prepare for when they leave school and may have to dress smartly or wear a uniform.

Embroidered school uniform can be purchased online from our embroidery partner, My Clothing Limited. Alternatively, please contact them on 0800 069 9949.

A basic list of our school uniform is as follows:

  • Red school sweat-cardigan or sweatshirt
  • Plain grey school knee-length skirt, trousers or shorts (no jogging pants)
  • Plain white school shirt or white polo shirt
  • Plain grey, white, red or black socks or tights
  • Plain black school shoes or trainers (without motifs)

For Website

Carers must ensure that all items of uniform and clothing are clearly named.

For a more comprehensive list of school uniform requirements please click on the link below.

Find Us

Tel: 0207 504 0555
Fax: 0207 3451 855
Email: office@st-mm.co.uk

Contact Form
St Mary Magdalene
and St Stephen’s CE
Primary School

Tel: 0207 504 0555
Fax: 0207 3451 855
Email: office@st-mm.co.uk

Cookie Policy

Bus: 18; 36; 6; 187; 414; 46
Train: Paddington (15 minutes walk/change to Royal Oak); Marylebone
(change to Warwick Avenue)
Tube: Royal Oak (8 minutes walk) | Warwick Avenue (6 minutes walk)

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