
The school has a close relationship with both the church of St Mary Magdalene and the church of St Stephen's Westbourne Park. Children visit either the church every Tuesday for an assembly led by either Reverend Natasha Woodward or Reverend Richard Dryer.

Older classes also have the opportunity to take part in or observe a Eucharist service twice a term.

Throughout the year the school celebrates important events in the church with special services or a whole school Eucharist.

These events include One World Week, Advent, Ash Wednesday, Easter, our Christmas performance and our Leaver’s Service.

In Spring 2018, our ability to promote a Christian ethos which supports children's spiritual, moral, social & cultural development was judged as 'Outstanding'.

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Tel: 0207 504 0555
Fax: 0207 3451 855

Contact Form
St Mary Magdalene
and St Stephen’s CE
Primary School

Tel: 0207 504 0555
Fax: 0207 3451 855

Cookie Policy

Bus: 18; 36; 6; 187; 414; 46
Train: Paddington (15 minutes walk/change to Royal Oak); Marylebone
(change to Warwick Avenue)
Tube: Royal Oak (8 minutes walk) | Warwick Avenue (6 minutes walk)

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